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When anybody says the word “sexism,” the immediate assumption is that it means discrimination against women. If someone uses that word to speak of misandry, which refers to discrimination against men, immediately the women who promote women’s rights, will bellow endlessly that it doesn’t mean that — but anyone who has such a complaint should see what the dictionary definition of “sexism” is before bellowing disputes:
Merriam-Webster posts these answers as the true definition, with emphasis included as the usual definition of the word:
1. Prejudice or discrimination based on sex, especially discrimination against women
2. Behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex
Note that Merriam-Webster states clearly that the term especially offers protection for women. No protection for men is given a second thought — and that is a common practice in most of the Western world.
Family courts are notorious for being little more than altars for vagina worship. Almost automatically judgments in family-court cases favor women, even in cases in which the woman’s ability to perform as a competent parent to children is questionable; in cases of child custody, support payments, division of property, and restraining orders.
Beyond what the courts do that is usually discriminatory, when it comes to receiving any sort of help in cases of sexual discrimination, women have many…