3 min readJan 9, 2025


The accusations are 100,000,000% believable. However, once I hear someone cursing someone for being "sinful," immediately I stopped listening and refuse to continue a dialogue. My parents were always saying how they were "good Christians" and dragged me with my brother to Sunday School and church services every fucking Sunday, only to come home and show unrestrained hatred and contempt for me, cursing and insulting me endlessly, and yes, even beating me. If they had owned an electric chair, I'm 100% sure they would have strapped me in it and turned the switch up to 1,000% percent -- and this is what "good Christians" do to their children and feel they are doing something holy.

The way my life was fucked up was living in a society in which parents were never wrong, children were disrespectful and evil, and child abuse was a must to make sure the child knew only endless suffering and condemnation. It's no surprise that when I became a frequent house guest with the Orthodox Jewish family in my city, having people who showed me only admiration, praise, and even affection, I was desperate to escape such damnable parents, so having that family give me what my parents absolutely refused to give me because I was "the most miserable soul God ever let breathe air,"

I am sure everyone who would hear the horrors that I lived with as daily reality would readily say that at least some people on earth had only positive feelings towards me, showed me kindness that my parents never gave me, and even continued to support me even financially until I was well into my late 50s -- remember that in the Bible Belt where I lived, the standard belief was "everybody has to have a religion," so converting to another religion that gave me everything I never could expect from my birth parents isn't so hard to understand and even support. I had already learned that anyone Christian was only full of hatred, condemnation, and abuse, so having a truly positive relationship with a family of a different religion might be "sinful" in the eyes of the "good Christians" who made my life a liiving hell. but if being a "good Christian" meant enduring hatred, condemnation, non-support, and absolute rejection, distancing myself from the sworn abusers was not so difficult to understand. If a family of non-believers, even atheists, had given me the sort of the supporting, humane, and acceptance that the Jewish family gave me for decades, I would have chosen to be with them, but in the Bible Belt, anyone of that nature would never have had a positive status. I am now definitely anti-religion because I know that "religious" people can be the worst curse I could ever face in my life, so all atheists and agnostics who hear my story and give me thumbs down and rejection have to tell me: is it not surprising that I looked to distance myself from such people?

Eventually, I realized that religion doesn't make anybody good or praiseworthy, but again, I was already in Israel, where the majority population is anti-religion and a small number of people of that persuasion gave me positive treatment, does it sound insane that I chose to be in positive relationships with such people? Anyone who condemns me for my action should be made into a target in a rifle range; I won't give such people the time of day and will keep them at a great distance from me.

I am now over 70 and old age makes people back away from me because they know that the affiliation of persons my age means very little because dementia is always the reason to condemn those well into such a late situation in life, but at least I'll not die surrounded by condemnation from so-called evangelical assholes!




Written by M A

A radically unconventional musician-writer, published in three languages, with a truly unbelievable life story.

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