When I read this article, that prompted me to go to gumroad.com. I thought I would create an account so that I could consider it as being possible for the next novel that I am writing now. However, now I feel I fell in big time! Demanding my full Social Security number to set up an account? I can understand taking a debit card, but rejecting it when many other businesses have already processed orders with it with no problem? That left me wondering: is this company even remotely legitimate to do such things? I also saw that trying to set up a profile was leaving myself open to all sorts of insertion of words that I never wrote! Too many suspicious demands, rejection of a valid payment method, demanding a full Social Security number? I wasted no time in filing complaints against them; I don't think that even in the Soviet Union such fraudulent activities were the norm! Plus, I also saw that words in Hebrew were inserted in my profile -- so is Hamas running the show?!?!?!? I doubt anybody can ever give me a legitimate response to all these highly irregular, suspicious actions taken against a total stranger who has a proven record of being "painfully honest" in the truest sense, as my published writings would display without hesitation!