Why I'm receiving nothing? It's because the company handling payments claims that my "business" poses a "risk," so they won't pay me. Two problems with that:
1) I never owned nor managed a "business." I've worked as a freelancer ever since my first published article in 1983 -- but apparently, a freelancer isn't legitimate without having an entire business for me to dominate and control -- at 72 years of age with diagnosed, documented disabling conditions; the word for that is simple: DISCRIMINATION!!!
2) Despite my posing many times the request to know what is the "risk," but how dare I ask a legitimate question and risk exposing the discrimination and possibly call in the authorities to shut down the blatant discriminating company because of something minor such as violating a well-known and established law?
So despite my extensive, multilingual, and well- acknowledged publication history, because no legal reason for such discrimination exists, it's easier to turn me into an impoverished moving target! If anyone wants to know which company shows brazenly talented and accomplished writer that I may be, being so truthful and outspoken makes me a "risk" because, as William Blake wrote quite accurately, "A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent." That makes me the bad guy -- AGAIN!!! Anyone who wants to know the name of the nefarious discriminating company only needs to ask me and I'll not hesitate "to spill the beans" on a scofflaw "company"!!!